Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Dreams, Bad Dreams

I had a weird weekend of dreams.  I think part of it had to do with the fact that I stopped eating dessert last week and then started again during the weekend.  Maybe the sugar messed with my brain.  Or it could have been "Black Swan," which I found completely embarrassing and ridiculous, not as compelling as everyone said, and also a little gross.  I feel like the movie was right on the border of being total trash and "art."  Did other people feel that way?  Because the thing was loaded up with awards nominations. 

Last night I had a really good dream.  I don't remember why or how I got there, but I was going to perform as a sort of high wire swing act in a theater.  It was going to be really physically complicated and dangerous, but in my dream I knew that I mastered it in three weeks.  My next door neighbor told me that everyone came from hours away just to see my performance.  I never actually got to the performing piece of the dream, but my analysis is very positive.  Like, I knew I was capable of this really tough feat, and I wasn't phased by it.  Right?  I used to be all into dream analysis, but I dream so often and remember them so much that I gave up.  Waking myself up in the middle of the night to write down what I just dreamt and then not being able to fall back asleep wasn't my idea of a good time.  I'm already doing that to myself with peeing. 


Megan said...

I hated Black Swan as a movie, but I thought Natalie Portman's acting was great, and so I'm glad she got the Oscar. While seeing the movie in the theater, I kept turning to my friend and saying "WTF?!?" And I don't usually swear, so that says something.

Natalie Sams said...

Here's an article about the Crayola Colored Bubbles that was on the front page of our paper today...we live 20 minutes away from the factory! Thought you might find it interesting...

Julie H said...

Wait, Megan, did you say the actual swear or just "WTF?" I'm curious :) Natalie, that's hilarious! I got my $8 coupon in the mail today!

Megan said...

I said the swear, I just didn't want to type it :o)