Friday, November 05, 2010

Page 164

I am on page 164 out of 397 in my typing of The Sequel: Why is It So Long?  And I'm feeling poopy about it.  Not the content, but the length of the process.  I calculated how long it should take me to finish this, and it came to just under twenty-four hours.  Which sucks.  That's SO long.  So many hours!  It may not sound like much-- one entire day!-- but when the typing is excruciating at some moments, both in terms of the anxiety it brings me and the pain in my carpal-tunneled hands, it's playing with my mind.  I can only manage about an hour at a time, and those hours are sparse with the mommy thing I've got going.  I don't think I will make my Harry Potter game goal.  Dang.

So, blog readers, can you help me out with a few words of encouragement?  Just something nice or funny, even if it has nothing to do with my typing up my book.  I need a smile and to know there are people out there that will eventually want to read this beast.

Ah, Romy's awake.  Time for the mommying part of my day to begin...


Natalie Whipple said...

Well, you know that I'm like a HUGE Julie Halpern fangirl. And I'm SO excited to read more about Anna!

One of my favorite things about Get Well Soon is that it focused on the healing instead of how Anna got there. I think there are so many books that follow the "descent," so to speak, and not enough that show the ascent, the healing.

I am so looking forward to seeing how Anna manages life after! I know it'll be just as funny and wonderful as the first!

molly. said...

I get so excited every time I see that you posted a new blog post. And I am even more excited for the new books that you will release in the future!

Julie H said...

Natalie, awesome! Thank you for that! And it's nice to hear that someone looks forward to my blog posts, too, Molly! Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to myself. Or complaining to myself. Which is probably where I should keep that.

isaac p. said...

i might be ur youngest fan but one of ur biggest. get well soon is tied in first with be more chill for book i've read the most times but is undeniably my fav. i actually am dieing of suspense for the new one!

isaac p. said...

i might be one of your youngest fans but also one of the biggest. get well soon is tied in first with be more chill for book i've read the most times, but is undeniably my favorite. I am dieing to read your new one. and as for the typing u'll get there!