Saturday, November 06, 2010

New Feature: What to Watch Weekend!

I am taking a cue from my author buddy, Brian James, and his weekly blog feature (his happens to be the Weekend Music Roundup), and making my own weekly weekend feature!  Since I don't think people read blogs as regularly on the weekends, this will be a nice, light blogging exercise for me.  Each week I'll recommend a movie to watch over the weekend, randomly picked from my brain.  This week I'm going back three years to one of my favorite documentaries, Air Guitar Nation, about the world International Air Guitar Championships.  You can read a couple of my blog posts about it here, and learn how much this movie ROCKS.  Sadly, the film's website seems to be dismantled, but the spirit of the film can never be! (dismantled, that is)  Warning: Do not watch this movie before bedtime, or you will be too riled up to sleep!  Second warning: there is a penis in the film.  Yeah!

1 comment:

Brian James said...

I had wanted to see that but totally forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

The weekend feature is nice. I feel like it frees up my weekends.