Friday, June 04, 2010


I just sent off the mostly final changes of my third novel, DON'T STOP NOW, to my editor (I still can read it through once the pages have been made to look like a book and see if I need to change anything).  It was the revision with all of the copy editor's marks on it.  I had written down some hilarious notes as I read through the manuscript to include on my blog, but those notes are nowhere to be found.  I believe they said something to the effect of, "That person must think I'm a freakin' idiot, with all of the red pencil they used!"  What I want to know is, do other authors have this issue?  Do their manuscripts come back to them looking like a B- student's term paper?  Does the copy editor laugh at my mistakes?  Shake their head?  Wonder how I made it into writing in the first place?  Or are they happy to have something to do while reading my book?  Is finding errors like finding little treasures?  The copy editor did make two positive comments about the actual story content, which doesn't usually happen.  So that's got to be a good thing, right?  I think I'm just fishing for clues because I literally only went through ONE revision (with my editor.  I did three or four on my own), plus this most recent one, which only about ten pages that needed changes made.  So that's not even one and a half revisions!  How is that even possible?  I'm so freaked out by it.  I guess I lack the confidence to be like, of course it barely needed revisions-- this is my third book, and I know what I'm doing!  But, even if one knows what they are doing, that doesn't necessarily mean the book is that close to being ready to go.  Does it?  Or do my editor and I work so well together that the process is smooth and easy, and this is the end result?  I can't wait until it's actually in a format that other people can read.  I'd like to know what people think.  I really liked the book as I wrote it, and I enjoy it every time that I read it.  That's got to count for something, right?  Right?  Hello?


Natalie Whipple said...

I'm excited! When does it hit shelves?

I don't know, I think some books need more work than others. Mine all seem to be different...I never make the same error twice, but I keep finding new ones to make!

I have to believe copy editors like the find treasures, hehe. If I were one, I think I'd feel like I didn't do my job if I found nothing.

Julie H said...

It should be out next spring-- I don't have a release date yet, although I think they are working on the catalog for spring soon. I should know then?

So I guess I'm doing the copy editor a favor by making so many mistakes :) And I definitely make the same mistakes twice. Or thrice.

Anonymous said...

We gotta feel like the editor is watching our back and not going to let us go out there with two thursdays in a week, or toilet paper stuck to our shoe... but we also gotta trust them to be smart, and attentive, and to recognize toilet paper when they see it. right?
amy g koss

Megan said...

No need for a sabbatical! You can work at school next year!

Julie H said...

Amy, very good point. I know how amazing my editor is, and why would she want to send out anything she wasn't proud of? But I am one of those people who needs a little [A LOT] of reassurance sometimes. Love the toilet paper!

And Megan, I can't really write a book at work, since it's hard enough for me to get my actual work done without seven thousand interruptions from middle schoolers :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie,
I found your blog because I was looking for DSN's pub date. I loved your book. It made me laugh out loud and weep really hard at one point. I'm Anne, your copy editor. I've been a YA copy editor for about 11 years and was also a editor for middle and high school language arts textbook. I love writers and have the greatest respect for the work you do. I really hope that I didn't make too many stupid comments on your manuscript. Please don't take anything I marked as negative criticism. I wish I had a copy of my notes to check out what I wrote. Your two leads are great and I love the non-preachy way you painted an abusive relationship with the girl who ran away. I have great hopes for your book. Start the screenplay now. Fondly, Anne