Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Panic Packing

I don't know why I freak out so much when I pack for a trip.  I am a seasoned traveler and survived for half a year in Australia with just the contents of my backpack (Okay, it was a really huge backpack.  Like a couch on my back, really, and I did buy and make more clothes once I got there, but still).  Yet, every time I go on a trip, I take several days to complete the packing process.  Maybe I wasn't like this before I had a kid, but I have a feeling I was.  I like to be prepared.  That's  not saying I over pack (although I usually do).  I know, if necessary, I could plan each day's outfit and not bring three pairs of earrings.  But, being that seasoned traveler, I also know that it's not such a big deal to pack extra and or bring options.  This trip has many facets: we're going to New Orleans for the American Library Association Annual Conference, but we're also going as a family trip.  Here are the types of outfits I will need:
  • Something to present in at the YALSA pre-conference on writing for reluctant readers
  • Something to wear to dinner with my editor
  • Something to wear to a "dessert reception"
  • Something to wear to a "cocktail reception"
  • Various museum-going outfits for 90 degree weather
  • A bathing suit for swimming with my daughter
  • Something to wear to the YALSA Coffee Klatch and book signing following
I think that covers all occasions.  I sure hope I don't mix up the swimming outfit and the presenting outfit.  Wouldn't that be weird?  Anywho, we shall see when it comes time to put my clothes into the Spacemaker bag.  I draw the line at one bag per person.  However, that line is pretty wavy and sometimes needs to bring five pairs of shoes.  Just in case.

1 comment:

Aleeza said...

um, yeah, that would be pretty weirdo. :D also, have funnnn!