Thursday, June 28, 2007

So Help Me

Oy. It is my official first day of summer vacation, and I'm already having the severe panic attacks of what the hell am I going to do. Not that I don't have things to do. The suitcases from ALA have to be unpacked. I should really go to the grocery store. There's laundry to do. I have my summer to-do list of things like "clean the refrigerator" and "shred." And then there's that novel I have to write. I think that's probably the major cause for my anxiety. The great news is that I officially will have a second novel from Feiwel and Friends. The terrifying news is that I now have to write it. I don't doubt that I can write another novel, but I do fear the process. Today I shall return to the public library's group study room, where I wrote a significant portion of Get Well Soon. I have made my schedule for the next month in the study room, and by golly I'm stickin' to it.

But yeah, I'm panicking. I'm having severe email checking disorder. The problem is that my book is STILL in the pre-publication era, after when the galley is out but before the review period and the release period. What will happen? What if the reviewers don't like it? Why should that matter? I already know that teens love it, but I'm super-scared [I edited a swear out from the original post. It just didn't feel right. Which makes me a total hypocrite because my book- and my mouth- are full of swears] that I will get bad reviews. I just want people to like me. Is that so wrong? I hope I'm not freaking you out with my crazy ramblings. Warning: It will only get worse as the summer goes on. I always get the summer crazies.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you'll get good reviews. No one will want to cross Jean Feiwel and her friends! :)

Julie H said...

Oooh-- I hope you're right!

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry about those bad reviewers. I'll handle those.