Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Today has been interesting. I don't spend much time just me and Romy. On weekends, there's a lot of me and Matt and Romy. During the week, I am at work, and when I'm home there's a lot of getting ready for work the next day and trying to squeeze in Romy time. So today, I'm home and Matt is trying to work on a book for which he has a deadline. Ro and I have been kickin' it. Yesterday we also kicked it at a b-day party while Matt worked. And I have to say-- I love the stuffing out of this girl. She is so sweet and funny and likes to snuggle and sleep and laugh and smile. She cries, yes, and is rarely awake when I want her to be and asleep when I want her to be, but she is amazing. I feel insanely lucky.

In other news, I just spilled a Brita pitcher all over myself. Apparently, Matt had just filled it, and therefore it was top heavy. Ha. That was a really boring story. I am duddish right now. Happy Memorial Day, everyone!


Skyebird said...

at least its not milk. I did that once

Julie H said...

Did you cry? Had to ask...

Skyebird said...

no, it was a really hot day so it actually felt kinda good- try it sometime!